The CES Biome is a biannual online magazine, which strives to provide verified and unbiased scientific knowledge to the general reader in a comprehensible manner through science, policy, news, and art related to environmental awareness.
Aims and Scope of the Magazine
We believe that proper understanding of the functioning of the ecosystems, environmental issues and potential solutions to such issues among the general public is crucial for protecting our only habitable planet. It is the utmost responsibility of the environmental scientists to effectively communicate the importance of our ecosystems to the public to get them onboard to protect our fragile environment. However, it is evident that the majority of the people in our society lack that required knowledge. The basis for this knowledge gap is the scarcity of reliable scientific media that can effectively communicate scientific knowledge to the general public in a simpler manner. To achieve this goal, the Center for Environmental Studies (CES), University of Peradeniya, has decided to publish the magazine “CES BIOME” with the following mission and vision.
“Communicate the scientific knowledge in
the field of environmental science to the readership”
“Provoke a positive attitudinal change in
public towards the nature”